I have a bunch of .wmv files sitting out there on some web URL. This app is one of the few that support Web Browser functionality to download media via http://. .
Using this app, the downloaded files are placed under Cloud>Http. The downloading itself is confusing. You enter the URL of the video (usually via copy paste from another app, like Safari), and it downloads it, but then it also has a down pointy arrow still there. But that appears to copy the file to some local location. Except that I already just downloaded the file. Very confusing!
Then folder creation and placing my downloaded (via http) files is buggy. You can create folders just fine, however, placing a file in there, you have to do the usual idiotic iOS song and dance with Edit>Cut, navigate to your folder, then tap Paste. And now your downloaded video file is in your new folder. Except its also in the old folder, at the top of the file tree. What??? That video is a bug -- they didnt delete it properly from the UI list. So, I have to swipe left to expose the iOS red Delete to get rid of the phantom video.
Renaming folders works, but its not intuitive - you have to be in the folder, in order to rename it.
In summary, this app has potential, but it needs to improve the workflow for http downloads (its confusing the way it is now) & fix the UI bugs in folder support.
Even though I paid for this app, I think I will stick to VLC, for now. Its less buggy.
Itsyidiysyrarya about It's Playing, v5.0.8